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Belfast 6 Pack's members came together in May of 2012 to create something new and original. each bringing their own personal flavor to create a unique style that can't really be put into a certain genre.


As Belfast's frontman, Brandon Bane says, "It's hard to label a musical soul." Flanked by lead guitarist Rusty "Chief" Coleman, drummer Tony"Turbo" Pike, and bassist Justin "Hippie" Hagamon, they have stormed onto the scene.


They have shared the stage with Nonpoint, Stuck Mojo , Psycostick ,One-Eyed Doll, Ritual of Odds, Soil, Bam Margera,Super Bob, HeD PE, texas hippy coalition, sons of texas AND STEEL PANTHER Introducing songs such as Slept with the Devil, Devil's Kut, and A Bomb A Nation. heads turned and fans of all genres began to follow their story.


Belfast 6 Pack presents a variety of songs that appeal to most anyone, shown in part by being the only non-reggae band to play Camp Reggae 3 years running.


From the powerful vocals to the melodic structure brought forth from the depths of their musical souls, this music cannot be ignored.

Their Story

Brandon Bane - vocals / guitar
John Russell - guitar/vocals
Tony Pike - drums/vocals
Justin Hagamon-bass

the band
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